Writing log 1 - The non beginning

So, I’m writing a book.

I’ve been working on it for a while, but always inconsistently. I’d stop for a few months to focus on something else, consequently never making much progress.

But I believe this is the year I’ll finally be able to take this endeavor with the seriousness it deserves.

It has to be.

With that spirit, I recently decided to start writing the first draft from scratch—because for me, it’s easier than jumping back into the middle of the story after being away from it for a while. I’ll take this opportunity to document some of the process here.

Besides being a way for me to practice writing more in English, the fact that I’m publishing it online will probably increase my accountability, even if no one sees it.

And even if these benefits don’t materialize, I like the idea of documenting the creative process, even if just superficially.

Anyway. Here’s the current progress:

First draft progress in chapters

(50 chapters is just my estimate. In the final version it may end up having a couple more or a couple less.)

Let’s see how it goes.